“For God’s Sake, Cecile, Don’t Tame Her!”

This person’s anonymity is clearly self-protective, of the whistle-blower, witness-protection  variety. I do not know his (I am assuming) identity, or his standing in the profession. Therefore I can’t vouch for him in the same sense that I did for “Jane,” the young soprano whose keen observations (quite congruent with The Lamenter’s) I hosted a couple of posts ago. But I find his arguments, beginning with a description of the paradigm set by Herbert von Karajan and its influence since, persuasive. Many of them will be familiar to my readers, but set forth from a different personal history and body of relevant knowledge. I’m therefore happy to spread the news of his essay, which is at http://conductorslament.org.

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NEXT TIME: I’ll be listening to Lotte Lehmann, with intent to report. On the other hand, we’ll have the new Metropolitan Opera production of Der Fliegende Holländer to consider, and which will take time-and-substance preference, I can’t be sure. But it’ll appear on March 13.

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