Dear devotees: It’s come to my attention that many of you received an uncorrected version of Friday’s post, Quiche-o Carlos/Ariadne Rescued? After a total internet outage of 24 hours’ duration that caused the original delay, some glitch in the publishing process sent out the last uncorrected draft, rather than the finished version. It contained a number of references awaiting verification, as well as other corrections detected in the final proofreading, and an inactive link to the Russell Baker column. The error was detected and the updates made within a couple of hours, but if you received the earlier version, by all means swap it out for the finished one.
My apologies for the inconvenience, and thanks for reading, as always.
P. S.: But now I find (at 11:55 PM on the 27th) that even after again entering the corrections and viewing them, they did not all update. BUT NOW THEY ARE DEFINITIVELY OK.